Dredging and gold panning in New Zealand
New Zealand - a dream?
Let it become a reality. Come and discover the wild nature of New Zealand.
Gold schürfen in Neuseeland
Neuseeland - ein Traum?
Lassen Sie ihn Wirklichkeit werden und erleben Sie die wilde Natur Neuseelands.
Suchen Sie Ihr Glück beim Goldwaschen, das Bedienen einer Gold Dredge ist kein Hexenwerk.

Gold Nuggets
Each nugget is unique and shows proof of mother nature
's unlimited creativity. Our specialities show exceptional forms and include gold crystals.  



aussergewöhnliche Goldnuggets für Sammler - gold nuggets and gold crystals for serious collectors Goldnuggets
Jedes Nugget ist ein Unikat und verkörpert damit einmal mehr die grenzenlose
Kreativität und Phantasie von Mutter Natur. Unsere Spezialitäten sind Goldkristalle und aussergewöhnliche Formen.
Wilderness Tours in Alaska, not on offer any longer
Join us on our trip to the land of the Grizzly and the Moose. Let be inspired by the untouched and wild beauty of that great land. Find your own gold nugget with the help of our experienced guide.
Goldwachen in Alaska - Gold panning in Alaska Aktivreisen in Alaska werden nicht mehr angeboten
Reisen Sie mit uns ins Land der Grizzlies und Elche. Lassen Sie sich faszinieren von der wilden
und unberührten Natur. Finden Sie Ihr ganz persönliches Nugget.




Gold Nugget Shop - Buy All Natural Pure Gold Nuggets at Affordable Prices

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Learn how to pan and dredge for gold with a professional guide. GOLDRUSH TOURS or previously DANIDOR has been operating in the niche market of recreational gold panning trips since 1992. Finding gold is not only fun, you are also able to make money with your hobby! Adventurous four wheel drive trips are part of trips with GOLDRUSH TOURS since most of our locations are off the beaten track. To get a great visual experience what our tours are all about, check this out: go to Youtube and use the keyword "danidor" Your tour guide Dan Gerber hence the name DANIDOR (d'or means gold in French) has a vast experience in New Zealand. He is looking forward to make your stay very special. He is not only able to show you how to pan for gold but would also be the person to talk to if you wanted to catch a trophy trout on a fly rod. He is focussed to give you a good time and that you will go home with lots of fond memories. kleingruppenreisen, neuseeland, neuseeland klima, neuseeland wetter, neuseeland reisen, neuseeland auswandern, neuseeland zeit, neuseeland forum, gold dredging, abenteuer reisen, abenteuerferien, daniel gerber, danidor, theoriginaldanidor